Affiliate Memberships

Those who are affiliated with Princeton University are eligible to purchase a Rec Membership.

  • Please take a look at the list of Princeton University-affiliated groups below that are extended the opportunity to purchase a recreational membership at a discounted rate.  
  • If you are a member of one of these groups then you can follow the instructions below;  if not then you are considered "General Public" and are not eligible to purchase a membership.  
  • You will need to provide a copy of your Affiliate ID in order to qualify for this rate.

Princeton University Affiliated Groups

  • Chaplains (Office of Religious Life)
  • Departmental Affiliate
  • Departmental Guest
  • Docent (Art Museum)
  • Hillel (Center for Jewish Life)
  • Howard Hughes Medical Institute
  • Institute for Advanced Study
  • McCarter Theater
  • Princeton - Blairstown Center
  • Princeton Alumni Association
  • Princeton in Africa
  • Princeton in Asia
  • Princeton in Beijing
  • Princeton Theological Seminary
  • Princeton Writing Program
  • Princeton University Press
  • Princeton University Store
  • ROTC
  • Teacher Prep Program

Next Steps

After you have setup your account and your status has been updated, you will then be able to login and purchase a membership at the correct rate. 

If you don't have a TigerCard, then after you purchase your membership you will need to fill out the following TigerCard form

The TigerCard Office will use this information to create your PUID card. You will then be able to pick up your PUID card at the Class of 1986 Fitness & Wellness Center Front Desk within 3 business days.

Purchasing your membership

Please note that on July 1st we moved to a new registration system.  As a result, and due to the vast variety of Affiliate accounts, some Affiliate accounts are being automatically populated in the system while others are not.  Therefore if you follow the instructions below but are still unable to access the system, please e-mail [email protected] and they will assist you.

  • If you have a Princeton University netID, then you can login to purchase your membership.
  • If you do not have a Princeton University netID, your account may still already be set up in our system.  Just click on “Sign In” and go through the “Sign Up” process as if you are creating a new account, but be sure to use the same e-mail address that the TigerCard Office has on file for you.  That should sync up your “new” account with your existing account and give you access to the portal.
    • If you have an orange TigerCard it will be activated automatically when you make your purchase.
    • If you have a white PUID card, please scan and e-mail a copy of the front and back of the card to [email protected] so that we can update your information in our new registration system.
  • If the system does not recognize your e-mail address, then you will need to create a new account as a “non-University” user.  You will then need to e-mail a copy of your Affiliate ID to [email protected] to have your status updated.
  • If you have any other problems, contact [email protected] for assistance.

For questions please email the Campus Recreation Office at [email protected].