Those who are affiliated with Princeton University are eligible to purchase a Rec Facility Membership.
As the spouse, domestic partner or dependent child (18 years of age or older) of a Princeton University student or faculty/staff member, you have the opportunity to purchase a recreational membership at a discounted rate.
Next Steps
You will need a Princeton University TigerCard which verifies your dependent status in order to qualify for this rate. After you have received your TigerCard, you will then be able to purchase a membership at the correct rate.
Please note that on July 1st we moved to a new registration system. As a result, most Dependent accounts are being automatically populated in the system (This occurs the day after you receive your ID). However, if you follow the instructions below but are still unable to access the system, please e-mail [email protected] and they will assist you.
- The first time you go to the registration site, click on “Sign In” and follow the “Sign Up” process as if you are creating a new account. Make sure to use the same e-mail address that is on file with the TigerCard Office. When you do this, this “new” account should sync up with your existing account and give you access to the portal.
- Once you purchase your membership your TigerCard will be activated immediately.
- If you are unable to access your account then please e-mail [email protected] for assistance.
For questions please email the Campus Recreation Office at [email protected].