Campus Recreation Cup Championship

Campus Rec Cup Banner

The Campus Recreation Cup Championship is a competition between the Residential Colleges and Eating Clubs that runs throughout the entire academic year. Participation in various Intramural Sports leagues and tournaments, Fitness Events, Special Events, Group Fitness Classes, and more, will help clubs/colleges earn points towards their total. At the end of the year, winners are declared for the following categories: Residential College Campus Recreation Champion, Eating Club Campus Recreation Champion, and Overall Campus Recreation Champion. The college and club winners will receive 100 Campus Rec Champion T-shirts as well as our Campus Rec Cup Championship trophy to display throughout the following year. 

Campus Recreation Chairperson

A Campus Recreation Chairperson is a representative from a Residential College or Eating Club who attends monthly lunch meetings with the Campus Rec Programming Office regarding policies and procedures, as well as upcoming events. They are responsible for relaying information about events to their clubs/colleges, recruiting captains for IM teams, keeping track of the IM Forfeit Bond for their organization, helping their fellow students learn about Campus Rec, and generally spreading the word about our programs. Chairpersons also earn points for their club/college by attending these meetings and also receive Campus Rec swag for their service in the role! 

Recreation Cup Championship Point System

The Campus Rec Cup Seal

See this image on Campus Rec flyers? That means you can gain your Res College or Eating Club points by participating!

Campus Rec Cup Seal

2017-18 Eating Club Champions: Cannon

Cannon Champion

Campus Rec Cup Point Totals

Click the link above if you cannot view the chart below.