About the Health and Wellness Speaker Series

Since September 2019, our Health and Wellness Speaker Series has hosted 184 presentations that have drawn 3,029 attendees. Those 184 presentations were given by 63 highly experienced and talented speakers from across our campus and around the globe, including 14 states (AZ, CA, CO, FL, KS, KY, MA, MN, NJ, OR, PA, SC, VA and WI) and eight countries outside of the US (Brazil, Canada, Costa Rica, Germany, Hungary, Montenegro, New Zealand and the United Kingdom). Moreover, 10 of the speakers were faculty members at seven colleges and universities (Quincy College, Rutgers University, University of Arizona, University of Colorado - Boulder, University of Kentucky, University of Wisconsin - La Crosse and Wichita State University).
There are seven important dimensions of the UMatter Wellness Wheel: emotional, environmental, intellectual, occupational, physical, social and spiritual. Learn how to enhance your wellness in these areas through our extensive and diverse curriculum of health and wellness classes!
All Princeton students, faculty and staff can register!
Registration Instructions
Please register online through the Learning Center to reserve a "seat"*. After logging in, click "Training By Topic" (top gray menu bar). Then on the list of topics, click "Health & Wellness."
*Registration is required at princeton.edu/training.
For more detailed information about a class, please go to the Learning Center.
If you have any questions or reasonable accommodation requests, please contact Matt Brzycki at [email protected] or 609-258-3520.
Health and Wellness Class Schedule
This class will sift through the confusion that’s associated with nutrition and weight loss and get right to the “meat and potatoes,” answering the basic question: “What do I have for breakfast?”
Doug Scott, BS, CSCS, is the Director of Strength and Conditioning at The Pingry School in Basking Ridge, New Jersey. At…
Poor balance causes falls and is a major contributor to the loss of independence, especially as we age. Evidence indicates that physical activity targeting the systems involved in balance control (sensory, muscular, cognitive) can improve balance, reduce falls and fractures and lead to additional health benefits…
Learn how to remain safe at all times and how to mitigate risk where possible. The class will offer insight into the Risk Evaluation and Counter Techniques (R.E.A.C.T.) self-defense program.
Sean Ryder is a sworn police lieutenant with the Department of Public Safety at Princeton University. He co-instructed…
Who hasn't felt stressed at some point during the past few years? Among other things, stress often leads to negative thoughts and feelings. In this class, you'll learn actionable information, including how the power of positive thinking can have a positive impact on exercise, health and life!
Diana Del Garbino…
Do you have occasional stiffness and discomfort in your lower back? Inflexible muscles – especially in the hips and hamstrings – can make that area vulnerable. Learn how to do three stretches that may help this condition along with the basics of protecting your lower back both during and outside of exercise.
Humankind has evolved through revolutions that shaped how we think, believe and act, leaving mental imprints that once served us but now often hold us back. These patterns can limit fulfillment, complicate relationships and hinder sustainable growth in today’s world. The speaker will introduce eight key revolutions and their lasting…
Contrary to popular belief, with a little creativity, your own bodyweight can provide ample resistance for progressive overload for years and even decades of training. Explore this neglected but fertile terrain between the calisthenics of yore and high-flying routines of Olympic gymnasts. Employ both innovative movements utilizing the latest…
This class will offer a multi-faceted approach that details how you can increase your energy, balance your hormones and lose weight. The information goes beyond the advice of “eat less and exercise more.” Instead, you'll learn how to make safe and effective changes to your behavior that you can follow for years which will bring you…
Healthcare providers and public health experts increasingly recognize the physical, mental and social benefits of time spent in the outdoors. Learn about the “Nature Pyramid” and how/why you should maximize your – and your family’s – exposure to green space each day as well as prioritize more immersive nature experiences periodically.
…Has your doctor ever suggested weight training but you’re not sure where to start? The Wellness Plus Workout features half-hour sessions specifically for the unique health benefits of weight training (as compared to bodybuilding or “boot camp”). In this class, you’ll learn a starter routine of five exercises that are designed to…
The shoulder is a remarkably complicated combination of four separate joints that work together to create an astonishingly useful range of motion. The downside of this great mobility is great instability, making the shoulder highly prone to injuries. Shoulder “problems” can be the result of a blunt trauma but frequently are the…
The idea of progression has been around since Milo of Croton demonstrated his legendary feats of strength more than 2,500 years ago but is often overlooked today. This class will explore practical methods for achieving measurable results from your strength-training workouts. Learn how to examine variables that influence your ability…
Are you a sports or fitness enthusiast? Discover the secrets to keeping your feet and ankles strong and injury-free! Join the speaker in a discussion of the most common sports injuries, their causes and practical tips to stay ahead of the game. Whether you're on the field, court, track or fitness center, this talk will equip…
Sarcopenia refers to an age-related loss of muscle mass and strength. Learn from a 68-year-old strength-and-fitness enthusiast how to reduce your risk of this potentially devastating condition so that you can live longer and stronger!
Matt Brzycki, BS, is the Assistant Director of Campus Recreation, Fitness at…
Campus Recreation and UMatter 7 Dimensions of Wellness
Wellness is not merely the absence of illness or distress – it is a lifelong process of making decisions to live a balanced and meaningful life. Princeton University Campus Recreation has adopted the 7 Dimensions of the UMatter Wellness Wheel for Students, Faculty, and Staff to guide our well-being efforts. Each of our program offerings will fall under one or more of these dimensions to help you find the ways to enhance your wellness that work for you. Think about how you have been doing and feeling over the past month, and choose the option below that best describes your recent experiences.

Princeton University has an extensive pool of talented individuals who have expertise in many different spokes of the UMatter Wellness Wheel. If you’re interested in sharing your professional knowledge/experience in health and wellness with the campus community, please contact Matt Brzycki at [email protected].