To purchase, go to the Online Registration System and log in based upon your affiliation with the University.
Body-Composition Analysis
This quick but accurate assessment with skin-fold calipers lets you know your body composition (percentage of body fat and lean-muscle mass). Cost: $5
FitSmart Fitness Appraisal
Make an individual appointment for this fitness screening that includes seven components of fitness and wellness: resting blood pressure, resting heart rate, body composition, muscular strength, flexibility, risk factor questionnaire and cardiovascular endurance. The appraisal and consultation take approximately 30 minutes. Cost: $15
Personal Training
Get individual attention from a personal trainer during one-on-one workouts. Cost for students: 1-hour session $36; 1.5-hour session $54; 5-hour package $175; 10-hour package $340; 20-hour package $640; 30-hour package $900. Cost for non-students: 1-hour session $50; 1.5-hour session $75; 5-hour package $245; 10-hour package $480; 20-hour package $920; 30-hour package $1,320.
To purchase, go to the Online Registration System and log in based upon your affiliation with the University.